Some days I just like being without a care in the world with you.
Exploring an older part of Singapore at half past five on a weekday.
For some energy before we traipse down the opposite street in search of desserts :)
This was actually a spicy version of a spring onion pancake.
But it tasted like spring onion bread.
But also too oily.
You're a mess after eating it.
Thankfully I'm already used to it. :p

What does one hear? What would you see?
These red lanterns are ubiquitous.
Cameras and tourists abound in this heritage landmark.
Seemingly in search of a certain something.
Aptly describing us- the pretend tourists for a day.
Oh. Look! It's the Captain. And the rest of the Tin Tin crew.
Themed shops never last long in Singapore.
Look at the Disney Store.
The Snoopy Cafe.
And now Tin Tin.
This shop attracts curious shoppers but everyone's on a browse mode.
Not a purchase mode.
And when we eventually found a dessert shop.
We walked in for some.
It wasn't the shop I was looking for.
But I didn't know the name/ exact location of what I was trying to find.
Now if there's pumpkin cake on the menu,
it's definitely pumpkin cake I'm ordering. :)
His almond paste didn't impress him anyway.
Now this is a store I grew up queueing at.
From when I was younger and I stood in line with my parents.
Till I was older and stood in the queue on my own.
Usually that meant everyone buys their food and eats without me while I patiently stand in line
and have that in replacement of my meal.
What's this thing about rising food prices?
It used to be $0.10 for one.
Well if she can do 6 smaller ones for a $1 in today's time and age, I don't see why the bigger ones are going at 90 cents each at other stalls.
And that's supposed to be a normal pricing these days.
Don't use the excuse of the price of flour as profit opportunities.
I managed to chat with the lady in red.
I've always remembered her in red.
Her dad who was a very tall and thin man, bent from age but still skillfully rolling out dough and shaping those knobs has since retired.
She's left alone at the stall.
When I asked if it was hard to manage.
She cheerfully replies,
"There's so much help here. See? All of you are helping me. It's not too tiring."
At this stall, you queue in line. Not to just state your order but to also help with twiddling about with the dough pieces she puts into the boiling oil.
While she concentrates on making the orders for you. In terms of dough pieces.
Salty or sweet (that comes with a sesame topping and red bean filling)
Wait till it turns a golden brown and take it right out of the oil to be drain.
Once your order is done, pass on the huge pair of chopsticks and move over to pack in your own orders into paper bags.
I love how I used to feel really important helping with the frying process.
Actually, I still do now. ;)
You can tell that I'm happy to play with the chopsticks.
Hey, it's tiring alright. And oily too.
But it's good and you agree. :)
She works on a very heartwarming system of trust in our corrupted society of today.
(I'm just being skeptical here. No hard feelings please.)
You leave your money into a box she places next to the plastic bags.
Take your own change.
And no, she doesn't stare while you put your money or take the change.
Don't you sometimes want to just buy more or leave the change for her? :)
I haven't found another stall like hers in Singapore.
Leave a note to let me know if you know of any?