food n 1: any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue [syn: nutrient] 2: any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment; "food and drink" 3: anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking [syn: food for thought, intellectual nourishment] Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
Saturday, June 30, 2007

so yesterday i had school till 130. i got home at 2ish. bathed. and attempted to sleep at 245. and woke up at 3 to go for a survey at 4 till 6 and waited for my girls till 745 (alone!). adam road hawker centre chicken rice man has seen me sit by myself for a whole hour. hahaha. it was hot. smokey. stinky. but worth it :) sambal stingray, nasi briyani, indian rojak and satay. mmm. a picture says a thousand words. especially when they capture happy moments like these. :) the food was okay, the nutella was a lil overwhelming cos cassie we counted you in and shared a tub with your share. haha. but the company? amazing. honestly. cos we bother. :) it was a long day. a long. but happy day.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007
good morning miss yeo. :) i'm counting on that to put a smile on my face for the next few years. for the next month however, i'm looking forward to that to kickstart my day. it's pretty tough being a teacher. i've met a boy today that seems to always be getting himself into trouble. it's honestly the type that just has an inclination to be the spotlight of attention. i really dont think he chooses to be that way. they had to fill out a pupil profile form. and on it has a blank for personal ambition. that very same boy? he wrote that he wanted to be a dentist. and i quote. "if cannot? to be a teacher." these are kinds of thing that make impactful advertising for teaching as a career. it's just only been a day. more to see. more to learn :)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
i guess the deal about dining nowadays. is not really where i'm dining but who i'm dining with. and really? home. is where the heart is. i need support. and that's where i'm getting it from. :) there's mama yeo on one side and papa yeo on the other. we took a break from hawker centres this week living the high life on a whim. too bad it isn't helping in getting an appetite back. sigh. on another note altogether, i'm suddenly looking forward to getting my first paycheck just so we can be dining in nice places. i guess i wont be spending a lot at school :)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
there we go! cassie boo. chawanmushi for you? :) my lil bro and i at sakae sushi. my aunt and brother were at another table. i cannot stomach food when i see how my aunt orders. (like there is no tomorrow). she just likes ordering lots so she can pick a lil from every dish. do your food habits comply with mine? :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
what does a durian swiss roll need? durian. right? well. we had. but we're talking a proportion of 1 part durian to 10 parts heavy cream. sigh. that's a durian FLAVOURED swiss roll. it was a hit though. :) there are photos. but that's for another time, another day. the little brother promised to blog about it. so stay tuned! :) on a side note, i just coughed till i had to throw up. it's as bad as it gets. food makes me happy. looking at it. my throat's so raw from all that coughing. i do not get more resilient to handling illnesses as i grow older. prayers for healing please.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
tendonitis. how to? a blunt knife and a very big fish to fillet. hahaha. it was an evangelistic event in church last night. for 30 odd people. estimated 60 ppl. so the preparations. were. in a word? mad. hahaha. but when God guides, He provides. i never boiled soup with yellow soybeans before. yesterday was a first try. and a pretty passable one at that. hello to more nutritious soup for the family next time around! :) and in the spirit of today, HAPPY DADDY'S DAY! make daddy a card, say something nice, or just give him a hug. :) i did the first. am contemplating that last. i'm too embarrassed to showcase my card. it's a juvenile primary school card. but hey, it's got the words from all his three children and beloved wife. blessed sunday!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007

then there was the dessert line up: (top left clockwise) tiramisu. strawberry + chocolate + vanilla + black sesame ice cream. MMMmm. creme covered strawberries, tau huay with red sugar, a peek at hot sesame paste, strawberry cheese tart. :)
i did not finish all that. eat right. live well :) indulgences can come once in a while.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
we finally decided. guess what it was? :)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
seafood porridge today. the brother and daddy were out early in the morning for a fishing competition at saf yatch club. it's been a while since i cooked. so i volunteered for seafood porridge. something radically different from a loved and cherished comfort food of minced pork and mushroom porridge. :) photos up in a bit. i havent gotten to uploading it. :p
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