isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what i desire and achieve the purpose for which i sent it.
so on friday i gave in and saw the doctor. :( it was nice that some people asked after me. some people didn't even have the decency to reply my text. i guess i really needed it. we had dinner at mushroom pot. at kallang indoor stadium. it was nice! and i wish i had gone there earlier. there are so many types of mushrooms. and i love them all! then fri was a short day in jb, the last i went was on 19th of jan. it's been a longgg while. then dinner w some at far east before cell. and fish soup at night :) today i was out for the day for bible study, then jia's house for our lil gift packaging for the kairos pple. it's nice to be in their company. and then toa payoh library to only find that the book i want is lost. so we had to go to bishan. then dinner at taka. guess what i had! seoul garden. hahaha. all these come pictureless. i think as much as i enjoy the meals out. it's not the same. :/ i met my cousin in the carpark of all places. hello future sis in law. since he's my elder gor since young.
oh wells. i need some proper sleep. tmrw i need to do work. lots of it. i hope everything's fine for you in work and in school dear :) love,
food n 1: any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy and build tissue [syn: nutrient] 2: any solid substance (as opposed to liquid) that is used as a source of nourishment; "food and drink" 3: anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking [syn: food for thought, intellectual nourishment] Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008

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